At the age of seven, Neha began her journey as a student of Bharatanatyam, under the guidance of Guru Smt. Charulatha Jayaraman. The Guru’s insistence on passion and perfection, combined with Neha’s determination, intense practice and hard work, have made her an enthusiastic artist and performer. Bharatanatyam connects her to rich Indian heritage and taught her the significance of the practices of self-discipline and self-management.
Neha is a sophomore student at University High School in Irvine. She has excelled both academically as well as in extra-curricular activities and has won various academic awards at all grade levels. A perfectionist by nature, Neha believes that through hard work, patience and persistence, one can achieve anything they focus on.
She has been a soccer player since age 5 and holds a second degree black-belt in Taekwondo. At present, she is a member of color-guard team for University High and competes in various competitions throughout Southern California. She was a member of National Junior Honor Society, and an active volunteer for her school student organization. Currently, she holds office as secretary of the UNICEF board at her school and is working on organizing programs to support girls’ education in developing countries. She aspires to become a physician one day and is targeting her efforts to follow her dream.
In her leisure time, Neha likes to read, watch movies and listen to music. She enjoys traveling places, hiking, camping, playing violin and watching soccer. As she prepares to perform her arangetram, Neha reaches out to her Guru, God, her parents, her elders and teachers for their blessings. She expresses her love and gratitude to God, her family and her friends for their encouragement and support.